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    18 May 2021

    Tips for moving home with a newborn baby

    Babies arriving and moving into a new home often happen much closer together than you’d have ideally planned them. It’s no mystery why, of course. 

    Nature didn’t design us to cope with relocating for work, sitting on waiting lists for homes or waiting for the conveyancing process to work its way through the solicitor’s office. And babies don’t always wait exactly nine months to emerge, either.

    So some people find themselves in the enviable position of having a new home days or weeks after becoming parents, and as you can imagine, that can be a struggle. So here are some tips for making the move and the first days as easy as possible for you and the little one.

    Get the essentials in first – and pack them last

    You’re presumably already nursing the baby in your current home, so you should have a good idea of all the things you need. 

    Don’t forget that as well as the everyday things like changing mats and bottles, there will also be things like thermometers and outdoor clothes that you might not use as frequently but still need to have to hand. Keep all these things together and make sure they are packed last, and installed in the new home before everything else. 

    Yes, even before the coffee machine.

    Let your movers know

    Your removal company will probably find out soon enough that there’s a baby involved, but it can’t hurt to let them know in advance so they can plan ahead if necessary. They’ll understand your personal requirements as mentioned above, and will no doubt take extra care to make your move as comfortable as possible for you and the baby.

    Make a “nest”

    Choose one room, whether that’s the baby’s nursery or some other room, where you can put a comfy chair, the cot, and all the baby paraphernalia away from everyone else. If your new home is open-plan, try and use any room that has a door, so you can isolate yourself and your baby when either of you needs a sleep or a feed.

    Manage your decor and garden expectations

    You might have had your grand designs on your new home all planned out. Decorating, the garden and new furniture were all in the daily schedule for the first few months of living there. 

    Be prepared to throw it all out of the window because there’s a good chance you’ll be exhausted much of the time. Just remember that that’s absolutely fine – the more rest you allow yourself now, the quicker you’ll be back to full speed.

    Ask for help!

    Friends and family will probably be only too happy to help you out with moving furniture, unboxing, cooking, general cleaning and getting things sorted out. 

    Many of us are reluctant to ask, but just one extra pair of hands can make all the difference. Heavy lifting is a very important thing to consider, depending on how your birth went. Take your doctor’s and midwives’ advice and when it comes to straining yourself.

    Some new parents leave the move entirely in the hands of the removal company and friends or family, while they go and stay at someone else’s house or even a local hotel. 

    If your presence isn’t completely necessary at the move, it’s a good way of avoiding disruption to the child and letting you stay somewhere with all the amenities you need as a new parent.

    Good luck!

    If you’re in this situation, we offer our warmest congratulations. When you’re moving into a Muir Home, we will of course go the extra mile to make sure your move is as smooth as possible. It’ll be reassuring to know you’re moving into a warm, safe home that you’ll have exactly how you want it sooner than you think.

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