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    14 July 2016

    10 top tips for moving house with children

    Moving in to your new home in Scotland should be an exciting time for everyone, but many parents are concerned about the effect it might have on their children.

    From changing schools to making a new bedroom feel like home, there are lots of reasons why moving into a new build might be difficult for children of all ages.

    To help make moving house a stress-free experience for everyone, we’ve shared 10 top tips that will help your children adapt to the news that a new home is on the horizon.

    1. Keep it positive

    Focus on all the benefits of moving to a new home and be honest about the reasons why you’re buying a new house. You could talk about having a bigger garden, getting their own room or living close to a local attraction such as a beautiful park or beach.

    1. Listen to their concerns

    Children may have some worries about moving house, and it might take them some time before they feel able to voice what they’re feeling. Be ready to answer questions as they come up and take their concerns seriously so they feel supported throughout the move.

    1. Make a family wish list

    If you can involve your children in finding your new family home, it might be a good idea to make a wishlist of what type of property you are looking for. For example, you could add a garden, a park nearby, three bedrooms and a garage to your wishlist before you start viewing properties.

    1. Scout out your new area

    Once you have secured your new home, take the children on a few visits before moving day to let them experience the area and get excited about what’s available there. You could arrange a day trip to a local park or leisure centre, and visit the children’s school so they know what to expect.

    1. Allow your children to plan their new room

    From choosing paint colours and collecting wallpaper samples to buying bed linen and making a floor plan for furniture, there are lots of ways your children can feel involved in making their new room feel like home.

    1. Involve youngsters in packing

    Give each child a box to pack by themselves and explain that their toys and treasures are only going to be gone for a little while, as some children may misunderstand and think their toys are being taken away from them. Let them decorate the box so it is recognisable throughout the moving process.

    1. Keep in touch with their friends

    Take photographs of your children’s friends and collect their postal or email addresses to keep in touch. Give your children the time and tools to write letters or send cards to ease the transition into their new life and friendships.

    1. Say goodbye

    Don’t underestimate your child’s connection with their current home and lifestyle. If you see the same lollypop person every morning, or visit the same hairdresser every few weeks, your child might want to say goodbye to them before they move away.

    1. Get their boxes out first

    Ask your moving company to pack the children’s boxes last so they can be the first off the van at the other end. This can ease any concerns that their belongings might get left behind, and they can get started on making their room feel homely while you manage the rest of the move.

    1. Make the first night special

    Order a takeaway and spend some time together as a family to celebrate your first night in the new house. Make it a memorable and enjoyable evening in any way you can to ease the transition and make the night feel special.

    Have you moved house with children in tow? What tips would you add to our list?

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