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    4 October 2016

    Welcoming Happy Buyers to Castlefleurie

    Happy buyers Scott Young and Naomi Purves have settled into their new home at Castlefleurie and the couple have shared their experience with the Sunday Mail Seven Days magazine.

    Scott, aged 25, who works for Nationwide Building Society, told the Sunday Mail

    “When we got engaged, we thought that it was probably the time to get a place of our own. We saved from the October until the February when we agreed to buy a house.

    “At the time [Muir Homes] had started building the homes in Leven, I was working just across the road so I watched them all getting built.

    “I’d always wanted a brand new house so it made me think. At first, we presumed they’d be out of our budget but we kept our eye on them. A house type came up that we really liked and we thought we should go for it.”

    Scott and Naomi have chosen an Ailsa housetype, a two-bedroom terraced home with an open plan kitchen and dining room that opens out onto the garden via patio doors.

    The couple moved into their home earlier this year, with just a few weeks to spare before their baby was born.

    We wish Scott, Naomi and their new arrival every happiness in their new home.

    Read Scott and Naomi’s story here

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